Tuesday, 25/11/14
Day 7, Düsseldorf
Hello parents!
Tuesday was the second school day for the tour’s participants, no longer could we consider „Oh, I didn’t know“ a valid excuse. Somehow, we could be considered full fledged students with enough knowledge to act with responsibility within one day. Now, I know little of all the other people’s actions during this day but for me, I began with a tiring awakening due to the last day’s soccer game.
Me and my host partner almost rushed to school to be on time for the first class, which if you haven’t heard, begins at a very early time. When we arrived, still mourning over the loss of another full hour of rest, we were informed that the class for cancelled. It was a painful time for us all, there were many downcast faces.
The next class for me was French if I remember correctly and I had Jasmin as a friend to accompany me. It was hard enough attempting to understand a language we haven’t mastered yet but learning a language through a language we haven’t would be an impossible task. Hence, Jasmin and I drew pictures and amused ourselves with games such as Guess the Song or 20 Questions.
Last class was biology which is something I have some experience with since I finished the first two units of VCE Biology. Interestingly, the biological terms often sounded similar to their english counterparts, most if not all the organelles I could guess and many other biological words were quite clear to me.
Nothing special occured that day, it was merely another school day but tomorrow will definitely be exciting
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