Tuesday 16 December 2014

Thursday 4/12/14
Day 16, Amsterdam

Amsterdam! Finally! I am given the opportunity to write about one of our day outs, I shall cherish it and waste it not by producing a masterpiece of writing. J.K Rowling better watch out as I new writer is about to replace her as the greatest modern author. In fact, Charles Dickens needs to watch out, Roal Dahl, Allen Poe, Shakespeare.

Our day began with an early meeting at the main station in Düsseldorf, 6:45 to be exact. I was the first one there, tempted by the warm Starbucks store right next to me, I very much wanted to purchase some sort of beverage and sit inside away from the chilly weather. I resisted and soon after, others began arriving. We went on board, the ride took two hours and time was passed with card games, chatting and sleep for those who thought 6:30 was too early.

The first destination in Amsterdam was … the station …
Nah, it was the Anne Frank museum, which gave detail into the hidden life of Anne Frank. A fascinating piece of history, Anne Frank was a young girl caught in the huge second World War, she was forced into hiding due to her Jewish heritage, accompanied by her family and another. She wrote in her diary which when published, became the most well known written book about WW2.

We had probably, our largest break so far in this whole tour, the teachers were generous to give us almost two hours of exploring time. I was grouped with Struan and Alex, who wanted first to visit a nearby shopping centre. Inside, there were three floors and we went to the top, it was very high, well, most things are high in Amsterdam. Another thing that was high, was the prices in there, I invented the game, Guess the Game, and we always underestimated.

AHH, there are too many things to talk about in Amsterdam! We ate, there was talking, we had a canal tour in a huge river around the city, it was nice.

We saw an exhibition named Body Works which was all about biology and psychology. It was based on the concept of happiness and the brain’s relation to it, it was as we would all agree, extremely interesting. The train ride was again two hours. By the time we arrived back in Düsseldorf, it was 9:30, time for sleep.


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