Saturday 29 November 2014

Sunday,  23/11/14
Day 5, Berlin - Düsseldorf

Hello parents!

Well, today was a very packed day. After breakfast we all ran up stairs and packed anything we had left to pack, in a rush to be ready for checkout. We rushed to the Hauptbahnhof and caught our train to Düsseldorf just after 10am.

I would be lying if I said we found out seats easily. We all had to walk up many carriages looking like the tourists we were, before we found our allocated area. The train ride was different for everything, but I'm sure we'd all agree that it was relaxing. Some of us listened to music, read, socialised, enjoyed the great scenery, even slept! The train ride was relatively long, with us arriving in Düsseldorf just after 3pm. Feet sore, and desperately needing to stretch, we were greeted by our host families and everyone was taken home to settle in.

From here our experiences differentiate, but I'll just talk about mine. I had an hour or two of relaxing, before we went to a Mexican and Italian all you can eat type resteraunt. After a few bowls of a tasty spaghetti, we went home and I was told when I had to wake up and be ready for school the next day, and then fell asleep well before 10. I was nervous as I had to attend a German school the next day, but a good sleep helped that....... Just a little.


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